4 Reasons Why Companies Need MCMs

Most companies not only need MCMs, but actively seek out candidates with these unique skills. In order of their importance in the workplace, employers ranked communications skills, on average, twice as important as managerial skills. Communication expertise is becoming increasingly important because of major changes to the way we do business. This includes globalization, increased and aspirational consumerism, use of more complex decision making processes, and accelerating rates of change to assets and processes in industry and business.

#1 Improved Productivity

Communication is the foundation for training, and training focused on connecting employees with essential job information and skills practice can boost productivity. Effective training progressively develops workplace competencies and can be delivered in a variety of ways, from one-on-one instruction and supervisor coaching to live group training sessions and even online training. MCMs are the go-to experts for developing and leading these training efforts, including analyzing programs for effectiveness and employee follow-up.

#2 Ideas and Innovation

Opening up communication channels can lead to new ideas and innovation in several different ways. When employees understand what's important to their companies, they can focus on coming up with relevant improvements and identifying opportunities for innovation that can lead to greater overall success. When employees know that their ideas ideas are not only important to the company but actively sought after by open-minded company leaders, and when those leaders are genuinely responsive to employee feedback, they're much more likely to contribute ideas. Customers are also a great source of ideas to help improve products and services, since they know firsthand what they expect in return for their payment. MCMs can make sure all these voices are being heard.

#3 Effective Team-Building

Once open communication becomes the norm within a workplace, random co-workers slowly transform into a more cohesive and effective team. And since people are by nature social creatures, good communication within a team boosts employee morale. Additionally, when employees feel that they can clearly see where the company is headed, they feel more secure in their roles and participation towards that vision. Furthermore, this shared vision often leads to an improved work ethic, as staff are reminded of their achievements and feel that they are working together towards a common goal. An MCM’s special knowledge of team building strategies can help ensure that employees and management are on the same page.

#4 Avoiding the Spirals

In the absence of open communication, a snowball effect of negative actions can damage the health of an organization. If communication is spotty and opaque, then what little trust there may be in the first place starts eroding away. When trust erodes, employees tend to withdraw and stop contributing ideas, fearing retribution. They may also begin to suspect that management doesn’t have their best interests at heart, and may become wary of doing anything beyond what’s minimally required. At the same time, management notices the sub-par employee performances and begins doubting that the employees are performing to the best of their abilities; the tendency then becomes for management to blame individuals rather than company culture, which in turn leads to further distrust, and the snowball only grows larger and faster.

The death-knell is when poor communication and the resulting loss of trust leads to a total, mutual failure to share ideas. Employees know the inner workings of an organization like no one else, and their good ideas are the lifeblood of any business. To lose the steady stream of insights and innovations unique to your business model is a surefire path to stasis-or worse, a downward spiral. MCMs are integral to avoiding these spirals by helping your employees stay positive and productive through effective communication.

Contact us to find get more information on getting your online masters in communication degree.
